First Look: A Beginner’s Guide to Branding Your Virtual Event

April 8, 2021

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It may sound challenging to brand a virtual event in the same way as you would a live event, but it’s easier than you might expect. You can forgo the physical banners, signs and branded pens, instead harnessing the power of smart technology on virtual event platforms like Stova Virtual to bring every aspect of your live event to life through a screen. In our success story, “A Virtual Platform Made to Engage at the Kong Digital Summit”, you’ll learn the benefits to designing a highly branded experience on a virtual event platform, what elements to consider customizing and why it matters – PLUS never before seen platform examples. Before you download, here’s a preview of what’s inside.

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5 Ways to Brand Your Virtual Event Platform

Our goal at Stova is to create premier events for premier clients, and that takes the form of strong branding in the way your virtual event platform looks and feels – down to the words, fonts, colors, icons and more. If you’re planning a highly branded event, here are some ways you can customize it to achieve your event objectives.

1. Graphics

The visual appeal of your virtual event should start at the login phase. Your attendees are likely staring at their computer screens all day, every day – so what can you create that doesn’t look like a typical platform provider, but like your brand? This will go a long way toward creating a feeling of a cohesive event and sparking engagement. Now’s the time to implement your brand’s logo, colors, fonts, and any other visual elements that really let people know, “Hey, you’re at our event!”.

Speaking of engagement – have you checked out our Ultimate Guide to Virtual Event Engagement?

2. Navigation

Everything from buttons to forms to progressions from one screen to the next can be curated in Stova Virtual. Depending on your event needs, you may opt for a 3-D dashboard look, which gives attendees the feeling they are actually walking into your event. That in itself creates an air of excitement (and can be exceptionally effective if your event is a virtual trade show). If your company is more traditional, that’s OK, too – you can create a navigation system that’s functional while still immersing attendees in your brand.

3. Gamification

Incorporating gamification in your navigation (i.e., offering the ability to collect points after doing certain tasks) is another way to create a branded virtual event and offer incentive for attendees to participate – and drive up engagement, too. The prizes you choose to award top point-earners can also be branded, providing a further touchpoint with your company.

4. Content

The bottom line is that virtual events enable greater access to your brand than live events. A branded virtual event platform provides the opportunity for every attendee to interact with speakers, content, exhibitors, sponsors, each other, and your company, should you choose to design it that way. Event engagement can truly reach an all-time high with virtual events through tools such as polls, surveys, and live Q&A sessions. Branding your event is not only about the look, but also the experience itself. You can work with Stova to design a virtual event space that showcases your company’s brand through the content you create and the experience you’re providing.

5. Feedback

Collecting feedback post-event has never been simpler than with a virtual event. You can choose to build in things like surveys and rating systems during or immediately following your event. Because your attendees are already on their devices, this can help encourage greater communication between your brand and your attendees than ever before.

What To Know Before Deciding on a Branded Virtual Event Platform

With any event (live or virtual), the more advance planning time you can commit to, the better – but it’s especially important to budget enough time if you’re desiring a branded virtual event platform. The sky is truly the limit – but remember that the more branded the platform, the more development time will be required.

A highly branded event platform does necessitate a few more assets on your side, as well. At minimum, you’ll need to provide your company’s branding guide, including a folder of your fonts and logos. You’ll also be working with Stova’s development team on guiding decisions for your branded platform and managing the content side of your event.

Are you ready to commit to a fully branded virtual event platform after learning about the benefits it can bring to your attendees, your event and your company? Get started by booking a demo of Stova’s virtual platform. Our development team is ready to assist you in designing a highly branded virtual event that exceeds expectations and delivers a memorable, engaging experience for all.

Ready to learn more?

Whether your event is virtual, hybrid, or in-person, enhance your attendee’s journey with an event ecosystem built for your audience. Ready to walk through Stova's event technology solutions? Schedule some time with us today.